How to Invoice as a Freelancer

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Written By Berry Mathew

When running a business online as a freelancer, you have to send payment requests to your client through invoicing. Before you take on the assignment, you have sent a quotation and a contract agreement to inform you about the work details you will be providing the client along with the payment charges for the work and services you offer. 

Invoice is sent to the client when the work is done, it includes the details of the work that has been completed along with the amount of money agreed upon to be paid at the time of the completion of the work.

If you are selling goods and products online or running an Ecommerce business, then you have to create receipts with the product’s details. These delivery notes are created with delivery note templates. The delivery notes are important alongside the delivered goods as it gives assurance in the whole process of packaging and shipping and simplifies the business between the clients and you.

As a freelancer, you ought to know what should be included in your freelancer invoice. 

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Contact information

Your invoice must include your business name and the address details. Also provide your contact details such as your email and your contact number, in order to keep the lines of communication readily available for the client in case he wants to reach you for any queries.

Your invoice must have your business logo on it, as an invoice with a logo looks professional. Invoice must also include the client’s information such as the client’s name and address.

An Invoice Number

Your invoice whether it is designed manually or generated through invoicing software, must have a related invoice number that can be tracked by you and the clients. This keeps the invoicing procedure in organized records that can be referred to in future for any inquiries when they arise. With invoice numbers you can quickly locate the transaction details of any specific clients.

The issue date and due date

The issue date means the date when the payment timeline begins. So never ignore the issue date to be included in the invoice as it is so important to avoid any sort of confusion later. The issue date helps to identify one invoice from the other.

Due date for payment is also important information to be added in your invoice. It distinguishes how many days are due after the date of issue. This is an agreed date of handing the work you have agreed to with your client in your contract earlier.

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Number of items listed

The most important information on the invoice is to give the complete overview of the items or the services you are providing to the client. The quantity of the goods should be listed separately or the details of the work that you have done are mentioned clearly, and the total amount due on the client to pay you off. 

You can also dispatch a delivery note other than the invoice as an additional document that also gives the complete information of the products or services offered to the client.

Payment method

The payment methods must be made easy for the clients. There should be different payment options provided such as through bank payment or cash on delivery options for the clients to choose. Don’t forget to give your customer ways to chat to you about the different payment methods available. Having a Facebook chatbot configured to handle such queries is a great time saver. 

Don’t forget to include information needed to complete the payment smoothly. Also if cheques are acceptable for you then mention that option as well along with the address they can send their cheque to.