What Is Janani Suraksha Yojana?

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Written By Juliet D'cruz

Are you curious to know what is janani suraksha yojana? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about janani suraksha yojana in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is janani suraksha yojana?

Maternal health and well-being are crucial factors that contribute to the overall development and progress of a nation. In an effort to address the challenges faced by pregnant women, especially those from marginalized communities, the Government of India launched the Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY). This ambitious program aims to ensure safe motherhood, reduce maternal and infant mortality rates, and empower women through financial assistance and improved access to healthcare services. In this blog post, we will explore the key features, objectives, and impact of the Janani Suraksha Yojana.

What Is Janani Suraksha Yojana?

Janani Suraksha Yojana, launched in 2005, is a flagship program under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) of India. It is implemented across all states and union territories and specifically targets women belonging to below-poverty-line households. The scheme provides financial assistance to pregnant women to encourage them to give birth in healthcare institutions, ensuring safer deliveries and better postnatal care.

Key Objectives Of The Janani Suraksha Yojana:

  1. Encouraging Institutional Deliveries:

One of the primary objectives of JSY is to promote institutional deliveries and discourage home births, particularly in rural areas. By incentivizing women to give birth in healthcare facilities, the program aims to ensure access to skilled medical professionals, emergency obstetric care, and a safer environment for both mothers and newborns.

  1. Reducing Maternal and Infant Mortality:

JSY is designed to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates by providing timely and appropriate healthcare services during pregnancy, delivery, and the postnatal period. By promoting institutional deliveries and improving access to quality healthcare, the program aims to minimize the risks associated with childbirth and enhance the overall health outcomes for mothers and infants.

  1. Empowering Women:

The scheme aims to empower women by ensuring their right to safe motherhood and reproductive health. By providing financial assistance and encouraging women to seek healthcare services, JSY promotes women’s decision-making power regarding their health and well-being. It also emphasizes the importance of education and awareness among women, enabling them to make informed choices about their pregnancies and childbirth.

Key Features And Benefits Of The Janani Suraksha Yojana:

  1. Cash Assistance:

Under the Janani Suraksha Yojana, eligible pregnant women receive financial assistance for their delivery-related expenses. The scheme provides a fixed cash incentive to women who opt for institutional deliveries, including both government and accredited private healthcare facilities.

  1. Transport Assistance:

Recognizing the challenges faced by women in accessing healthcare facilities, JSY also provides transport assistance to pregnant women living in remote areas. This helps overcome geographical barriers and ensures timely access to medical care during emergencies.

  1. Free Medical Services:

JSY ensures that pregnant women receive free and essential healthcare services throughout their pregnancy, including antenatal check-ups, diagnostic tests, medications, and postnatal care. This comprehensive healthcare coverage aims to improve the overall health of mothers and newborns.

Impact And Achievements Of The Janani Suraksha Yojana:

The Janani Suraksha Yojana has had a significant impact on maternal health and well-being in India. Some notable achievements include:

  1. Increased Institutional Deliveries:

JSY has led to a substantial increase in institutional deliveries across the country. This shift from home births to healthcare facilities has improved access to skilled birth attendants, emergency obstetric care, and essential healthcare services.

  1. Reduction in Maternal and Infant Mortality Rates:

The program has contributed to a decline in maternal and infant mortality rates by ensuring access to quality healthcare during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postnatal period. The availability of skilled medical professionals and improved healthcare infrastructure has played a crucial role in saving lives.

  1. Empowerment of Women:

JSY has empowered women by providing them with financial assistance and encouraging their active participation in decisions related to their reproductive health. It has also contributed to raising awareness about the importance of institutional deliveries and maternal health.


The Janani Suraksha Yojana has emerged as a significant initiative to promote safe motherhood, reduce maternal and infant mortality rates, and empower women in India. By incentivizing institutional deliveries, providing financial and healthcare support, and prioritizing the well-being of pregnant women, the scheme has made remarkable strides in improving maternal health outcomes. However, continuous efforts are required to ensure the program reaches the most vulnerable communities and to address existing healthcare disparities. The Janani Suraksha Yojana serves as a beacon of hope, highlighting the importance of maternal health and emphasizing the collective responsibility of society to support and protect the well-being of women and newborns.


What Is The Function Of Janani Suraksha Yojana?

JananiSurakshaYojana (JSY) is a safe motherhood intervention under the National Health Mission. It is being implemented with the objective of reducing maternal and neonatal mortality by promoting institutional delivery among poor pregnant women.

What Is Janani Suraksha Yojana 6000 Per Month?

The Janani Suraksha Yojana provides benefits to low-income households. The scheme covers both government-licensed private hospitals and government-run healthcare facilities. The benefit of this scheme cannot be used if the delivery takes place in another hospital.

What Is The Success Of Janani Suraksha Yojana?

Overall, institutional deliveries increased by 42.6% after implementation, including those among rural, illiterate and primary-literate persons of lower socioeconomic strata. The main causes of maternal mortality were eclampsia, pre-eclampsia and severe anaemia both before and after implementation of JSY.

How To Get 6000 Rs After Delivery?

Benefits of PMMVY

  1. Under this scheme, 6,000 rupees are paid out in three installments as a cash incentive.
  2. The first installment of 1000 rupees is released at the time of registration of pregnancy.
  3. The second installment of 2000 rupees is disbursed after 6 months of pregnancy and before delivery.


I Have Covered All The Following Queries And Topics In The Above Article

What Is The Main Aim Of Janani Suraksha Yojana

Janani Suraksha Yojana Benefits

Janani Suraksha Yojana Pdf

Janani Suraksha Yojana In English

Janani Suraksha Yojana Slideshare

Janani Suraksha Yojana Amount

Janani Suraksha Yojana Apply Online

Janani Suraksha Yojana Payment Status

Jsy Launched

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