What Is Ramcharitmanas?

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Written By Charlotte Miller

Are you curious to know what is ramcharitmanas? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about ramcharitmanas in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is ramcharitmanas?

Ramcharitmanas, often referred to as the “Holy Book of the Ramayana,” is a revered epic poem that narrates the life, adventures, and teachings of Lord Rama, an incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu. Composed by the great Indian poet Tulsidas, Ramcharitmanas is not only a literary masterpiece but also a religious scripture that has had a profound influence on Hindu culture and spirituality. In this blog, we will explore the significance, content, and enduring legacy of Ramcharitmanas.

What Is Ramcharitmanas?

Tulsidas, the author of Ramcharitmanas, lived in the 16th century in Varanasi, India. He was a devout devotee of Lord Rama and was inspired to compose the epic to make the story of Lord Rama more accessible to the common people. Ramcharitmanas was written in Awadhi, a dialect of Hindi, making it more relatable to the masses compared to the original Valmiki Ramayana, which was in classical Sanskrit.

Content And Structure

Ramcharitmanas is divided into seven Kands (books) and consists of over 6,000 chaupais (quatrains). Each of the Kands is dedicated to a specific phase in Lord Rama’s life and his journey, with an emphasis on his devotion to dharma (righteousness) and the ideals of a noble and just ruler. The seven Kands are as follows:

  1. Balkand: This Kand narrates the birth of Lord Rama, his childhood, and his marriage to Sita. It also tells the story of the slaying of the demoness Tataka.
  2. Ayodhyakand: The Ayodhyakand focuses on Lord Rama’s exile to the forest, the grief of his family, and the schemes of the demoness Surpanakha.
  3. Aranyakand: In this Kand, Lord Rama’s forest life is described, including his encounters with various sages and demons. It also narrates the kidnapping of Sita by Ravana.
  4. Kishkindhakand: This Kand is centered around the alliance between Lord Rama and the monkey king Sugriva. It tells the story of Lord Rama’s search for Sita with the help of the monkey army.
  5. Sundarkand: The Sundarkand recounts Hanuman’s heroic journey to Lanka to find Sita. It also highlights the valor and devotion of Hanuman.
  6. Lankakand: This Kand elaborates on the great battle between Lord Rama and Ravana, culminating in the victory of dharma over adharma (righteousness over unrighteousness).
  7. Uttarkand: The final Kand narrates Lord Rama’s return to Ayodhya after defeating Ravana, his reunion with Sita, and his crowning as the king of Ayodhya.

Significance Of Ramcharitmanas

  1. Religious and Spiritual Significance: Ramcharitmanas is revered as a sacred scripture in Hinduism. It provides profound spiritual teachings on dharma, devotion, and the path to righteousness.
  2. Moral and Ethical Guidance: The epic imparts valuable lessons in morality, ethics, and the responsibilities of individuals as well as rulers.
  3. Literary Masterpiece: Tulsidas’ poetic craftsmanship in Awadhi has earned Ramcharitmanas a place of honor in the world of literature. It continues to be a source of inspiration for poets and writers.
  4. Cultural Influence: The epic has had a profound impact on Indian culture, influencing art, music, theater, and various forms of storytelling. It is often recited in various traditional forms, such as Ram Leelas.
  5. Devotion and Worship: Ramcharitmanas has played a central role in promoting devotion to Lord Rama. Devotees often recite or sing its verses as part of their religious practices.


Ramcharitmanas is not just an epic poem; it is a spiritual and cultural treasure that continues to resonate with people of all walks of life. It teaches timeless lessons in righteousness, devotion, and the triumph of good over evil. The enduring legacy of Ramcharitmanas is a testament to the power of literature and the impact it can have on shaping the beliefs and values of a society.


What Does Ramcharitmanas Mean?

The word Ramcharitmanas literally means “Lake of the deeds of Rama”. It is considered one of the greatest works of Hindu literature.

What Is Difference Between Ramayana And Ramcharitmanas?

Ramayana was written by Sage Valmiki, who was a contemporary of Lord Rama. Ramcharitmanas was written by Tulsidas. Ramayana was written in the Sanskrit Language. Ramcharitmanas was written in Awadhi Language.

Why Is Ramayana Called Ramcharitmanas?

The word Ramayana is made of two words — Ram and Aayanam (Story), thus the meaning of Ramayana is Ram’s story. The word RamCharitManas is made of three words — Ram, Charita (good deeds) and Manas (lake), thus the meaning of RamCharitManas is Lake of good deeds of Ram.

What Are The Contents Of Ramcharitmanas?

These include, among other tales, the story of Shiva and Parvati. The chapter then describes the birth of Rama in Ayodhya, his childhood, the protection of the sage Vishwamitra’s yajna, entry into Janakpur, breaking of Lord Shiva’s bow, marriage to Sita and return to Ayodhya.

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