Why It’s Important to Include Testimonials on Your Website

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Written By Charlotte Miller

If you want to establish credibility and trust with your potential customers, testimonials are a great way to do so. 

Testimonials are statements from satisfied customers that endorse your product or service. These endorsements can be powerful marketing tools, providing valuable social proof that sways hesitant prospects into paying customers. Wyzowl says 95% of people believe that reviews influence their purchasing decisions, no matter how positive or negative they may be.

We will explore the benefits of testimonials for your business in the following sections. So you should start collecting testimonials from customers to boost your business. 

Here are the benefits of testimonials on your website;

1. Build Trust with Potential Customers

Testimonials from satisfied customers can contribute a long way to establishing credibility for your brand.

When searching for products or services, consumers often turn to reviews and feedback from others who have used them. When you showcase positive testimonials on your website, you inform potential customers that others have enjoyed your brand. This creates a sense of trust and confidence in what you offer.

2. Provide Real-life Examples

Real-life examples demonstrate how critical testimonials are for businesses. For instance, Airbnb has become one of the most successful companies partly due to its robust review system. 

The platform relies on user-generated content to build trust between hosts and guests, improving Airbnb’s reputation as a reliable service provider in the travel industry. 

This testimonial page also illustrates how users interact with the platform, providing reviews and opinions. This helps to ensure that the company has a positive image and continues to thrive.

3. Increases Conversion

Including testimonials on your website can also increase conversions. People tend to be skeptical about advertising and marketing claims. However, when they read genuine reviews from real people who have used a product or service, it creates more trust in your brand. This increased trust often leads to more sales and a higher return on investment (ROI).

4. Boosts SEO

Many business owners don’t know that testimonials can boost your website’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO is optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results. Testimonials can play a crucial role in achieving this goal.

The reason testimonials help with SEO is that they provide fresh content for search engines to crawl. Search engines like Google love fresh, relevant content on websites. Updating your site with new testimonials signals to search engine algorithms that your site is active and valuable.

Testimonials can help keep users on your website longer, improving engagement metrics like bounce rate and time on site.

Plus, reviews on third-party review sites can boost your off-site SEO signals, making your website more search engine friendly.

5. Humanize Your Brand

Testimonials are a powerful way to humanize your brand and connect with potential customers. They allow real people to share their experiences with your products or services, providing valuable insights to help others make informed purchasing decisions

Your audience will likely trust and believe you if you display testimonials on your website. They will see why they should choose your business over your competitors.


Including testimonials on your website is a simple yet effective way to build trust and credibility with potential customers.

You can provide social proof that your products are valuable and worth investing in by displaying the positive experiences of past clients. Also, testimonials help differentiate your brand from competitors and establish a distinct selling proposition.

So, if you haven’t already, consider adding customer testimonials to your website today. Your business will thank you for it!