8 Festive holiday marketing tips for your event management business

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Written By Berry Mathew


The holiday season is a prime time for event management businesses to showcase their skills and generate more business. 

However, the increased demand for holiday event planning services means more competition. To succeed in this competitive environment, event management businesses must have a solid holiday marketing strategy that sets them apart from their rivals. 

Following this article’s eight festive holiday marketing tips, event management businesses can attract potential customers, retain existing clients, and generate more leads during the holiday season. Whether it’s creating an email campaign, offering a special holiday package, or partnering with local influencers, there are plenty of effective marketing strategies to help your business stand out this holiday season.

Eight marketing tips to make your business stand out

  • Create an email campaign

Email marketing can be a powerful tool for event management businesses to reach potential customers and keep existing ones engaged with their services. Designing professional-looking email campaigns that showcase the business’s unique offerings, special packages, and promotions can help create a lasting impression on customers. 

One way to achieve this is by using customizable Christmas email templates to create eye-catching emails that grab the audience’s attention. Drag-and-drop editors can add the business’s branding, images, and copy, creating a cohesive and professional look for the email campaign. 

Various platforms offer these tools and services to help companies to achieve their email marketing goals. PosterMyWall is one great website with a vast collection of email templates. 

  • Offer a special holiday package

Consider creating a special holiday package that includes everything necessary for a successful event, such as venue rental, catering, decor, and entertainment. Make sure to emphasize the exclusivity and savings of the package in your marketing materials, as this will incentivize customers to choose your business over others.

  • Leverage social media

Social media is essential for event management businesses looking to reach a broad audience during the holiday season. 

Share photos of past events you’ve organized, highlight your special holiday packages and promotions, and encourage followers to book their holiday events with your business. Consider running social media ads to target potential customers and generate more leads.

  • Host a holiday event

Hosting your holiday event is an effective way to showcase your event management skills and attract potential customers. Consider hosting a festive gathering for local business owners or community members. 

Use this opportunity to showcase your services, provide information about your business, and connect with potential clients in a relaxed and festive setting.

  • Partner with local businesses

Collaborating with other businesses in your community can effectively reach a broader audience during the holiday season. Consider partnering with local restaurants, caterers, or event venues to offer bundled holiday packages. This partnership will benefit both businesses by providing a more comprehensive holiday event package and generating more business for each partner.

  • Use influencer marketing

Influencer marketing has become a popular marketing strategy for many businesses, and event management businesses can also leverage this tactic during the holiday season. Partnering with local influencers with a significant social media following can be an effective way to reach a new audience and generate more leads.

When selecting influencers to work with, choosing individuals who align with your brand values and target audience is essential. Look for influencers with an engaged and active following on social media and whose followers match the demographics of your target audience. It will increase the chances of reaching potential customers likely to be interested in your services.

  • Highlight your unique selling proposition

Make sure to highlight your unique selling proposition in all your marketing materials. What sets your event management business apart from the competition? 

Emphasize your experience, professionalism, attention to detail, and excellent customer service. By highlighting your unique selling proposition, you’ll attract customers who value what your business has to offer.

  • Promote your business with flyers

Flyers are an effective marketing tool for spreading the word about your event management business during the holiday season. You can use online small business flyers to design custom flyers highlighting your services and promotions. Use vibrant colors and festive imagery to capture the holiday spirit, and include a call-to-action that encourages potential customers to contact you for more information.


The holiday season presents an excellent opportunity for event management businesses to showcase their services and generate more leads. You can create a strong marketing plan that sets your business apart from competitors by leveraging email campaigns, social media, flyers, and events. 

Remember to focus on showcasing your unique selling proposition, emphasizing exclusivity, and creating a festive atmosphere that captures the holiday spirit. With these tips, your event management business will shine this holiday season, and you will have more clients than ever!