Is Oklahoma a 50-50 custody state

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Written By Charlotte Miller

Child custody laws are an essential aspect of family law that can significantly impact the lives of parents and their children. In Oklahoma, like in many other states, specific regulations are in place to determine how custody is awarded and shared. Understanding these laws is crucial for anyone going through a divorce or separation involving children. In this blog, we will explore child custody laws in Oklahoma and shed light on whether the state follows a 50/50 custody arrangement.

I. Understanding Child Custody in Oklahoma

 Child custody is a complex and emotionally charged topic that arises when parents separate or divorce. In Oklahoma, the primary concern of the court is to ensure the best interests of the child are met. To understand child custody in Oklahoma, it’s crucial to explore the custody laws in the state, the factors that affect custody determination, and how to navigate the custody process effectively.

II. Exploring Custody Laws in Oklahoma

Oklahoma child custody relocation laws follow the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA), which provides guidelines for determining child custody when multiple states are involved. Under the UCCJEA, Oklahoma has jurisdiction if it is the child’s home state or if it was the child’s home state within six months before the custody case was filed.

In Oklahoma, there are two types of custody: legal custody and physical custody. Legal custody refers to the right and responsibility to make decisions about the child’s welfare, including education, healthcare, and religious upbringing. Physical custody, on the other hand, relates to the actual physical care and residence of the child.

III. Is Oklahoma a 50/50 Custody State?

Oklahoma does not have a presumption of equal 50/50 custody. Instead, the court focuses on what is in the best interests of the child. The court may consider various factors, such as the child’s relationship with each parent, the stability of each parent’s home, the child’s preference (if they are old enough to express it), and any history of abuse or neglect.

IV. Factors Affecting Child Custody Determination in Oklahoma

Several factors can influence child custody determination in Oklahoma. These factors include:

1. The child’s age and gender: The court may consider the child’s age and gender to determine which parent can provide a more suitable environment.

2. The child’s relationship with each parent: The court will assess the quality of the child’s relationship with each parent and their ability to foster a healthy and supportive environment.

3. Each parent’s ability to provide for the child’s needs: The court will consider the financial stability and resources of each parent to ensure the child’s basic needs are met.

4. The child’s preference: If the child is mature enough, the court may take their preference into account when making custody decisions.

5. Any history of abuse or neglect: Evidence of abuse or neglect can significantly impact custody decisions, as the court’s primary concern is the child’s safety and well-being.

V. Navigating the Custody Process in Oklahoma

Navigating the custody process in Oklahoma child custody relocation laws can be overwhelming, but understanding the steps involved can help alleviate some of the stress. Here is a general overview of the custody process:

1. Filing for custody: One parent must file a petition for custody with the court. This initiates the legal process.

2. Mediation or negotiation: In some cases, the court may require parents to attend mediation or attempt negotiation to reach a custody agreement outside of court.

3. Custody evaluation: If the parents cannot agree on custody, the court may order a custody evaluation. A professional evaluator will assess the child’s needs and each parent’s ability to meet those needs.

4. Court hearing: If an agreement cannot be reached through mediation or negotiation, the case will proceed to a court hearing. Both parents will present their arguments and evidence before a judge.

5. Custody determination: The judge will weigh all the evidence presented and make a custody determination based on the best interests of the child.

6. Ongoing custody arrangements: Once custody is determined, the court may establish a visitation schedule and determine child support obligations.

It’s important to consult with an experienced family law attorney to guide you through the custody process, as they can provide invaluable advice and support.


In conclusion, understanding child custody in Oklahoma requires a comprehensive understanding of the state’s custody laws, the factors that influence custody determination, and the process involved in navigating the legal system. By being informed and seeking professional guidance, parents can better protect their children’s best interests during this challenging time.

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